When reflecting back on the content that was added to my eportfolio during MHST 631, it became clear how much was learned about health promotion throughout that course that I plan to carry forward into MHST 632 and MHST 633. When looking through my eportfolio, you can see the addition of information such as positionality which is something that I learned a lot about during MHST 631 that I plan to utilize and be aware of throughout not only the rest of my education but also throughout the course of my career overall. Other relevant health promotion content that I bring forward from MHST 631 falls into the artefacts and blog posts that we utilized. These activities allowed me to discover different ways to discuss my health topic of Pulmonary Rehabilitation in New Brunswick and the best ways to implement change in our current programs in order for these programs to be of the most benefit to the residents of New Brunswick.
When discussing my health topic throughout MHST 631, the frameworks that I discussed and modified included the PRECEDE-PROCEED model, intervention mapping and also the Socio-Ecological Model. The amalgamation of these 3 models helped to ensure the proper flow of all aspects of the implementation of a beneficial pulmonary rehabilitation program in the province while really focusing on the implementation and evaluation phases as this program already exists but just requires some fine-tuning. I plan to continue to learn about these models throughout MHST 632 to establish a better understanding on how to implement this program.
When considering what I wish to get out of MHST 632, my primary goal is to continue to learn about more frameworks that can be utilized in order for New Brunswickers to have the best access to pulmonary rehabilitation possible in the province to improve respiratory health and patient outcomes.
New Leaders (2000-2023). Self-Reflection and Leadership: Create a Healthier and Happier School Culture by Looking Within. https://www.newleaders.org/blog/self-reflection-and-leadership-create-a-healthier-and-happier-school-culture-by-looking-within